Cucumber Orange Salad

Cucumber Orange Salad


1 cucumber sliced
Orange slices (1 orange)
Orange juice from 3 segments
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar (try tarragon garlic infusion page 58)
1 teaspoon fresh tarragon minced
1 tablespoon red onion minced
Salt and pepper to taste
Stevia to taste
Chopped fresh mint leaves (optional)


Combine apple cider vinegar, stevia, onion, and spices and mix well. Add cucumber and orange slices, tarragon, salt, and pepper to taste. Marinate for 30 minutes. Garnish with fresh mint leaves.

Makes one serving (1 vegetable, 1 fruit)

Phase 3 modifications: Drizzle with hazelnut oil, top with toasted pine nuts.

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